Publisher’s Note

Mike Antonelli
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As 2016 comes to an end, it’s a good time to reflect over the last year and begin to contemplate the future. We’ve certainly seen a lot of changes here in Tualatin over the last year, and as we look forward, it is apparent that more change is in the air! We’ll have a new president who’s likely to shake things up on the national level, and here in Tualatin, we’ll soon have some new ideas with the addition of City Councilors Robert Kellogg, Paul Morrison, and a third, yet-to-be named councilor that should be appointed in the next couple of days. Welcome aboard! We’ll also be saying good-bye to outgoing councilors Ed Truax, Monique Beikman and Wade Brooksby. We thank them for their years of hard work and service to our community.

We’re also seeing a lot of physical changes transforming the landscape of Tualatin. Sadly, one of the biggest changes we’ve seen was the destruction of the Clark Lumber building. The Clark family continues to operate from the site and I was very happy to accept an advertisement from the company in this month’s issue (see page 3). We’ve seen many new businesses come to town over the last year… and it looks like even the Cracker Barrel that everybody’s been asking about has finally broken ground and will be opening early 2017!

Here at Tualatin Life, we’ll be contemplating a few changes as well. The first change you’ll be seeing is the transition to a true monthly. Moving forward, look for your monthly copy of Tualatin Life in your mailbox on or about the first of every month. We’ll also be revamping and adding new features to our website ( over the coming months. More on that later…

Please remember to keep our advertisers in mind as you make your purchasing decisions. It is through their support we’re able to continue bringing you this community forum.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Michael Antonelli – Publisher

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