Tualatin CIO: President’s Report – Tualatin Ready

Community Involvement Organization
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Summer is over and the stormy days of Fall and Winter are here. Over the last thirty years, our area has seen its share of natural disasters. Recently much attention has been dedicated to preparing for “the Big One”, (the Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake). As we prepare for the upcoming holidays we should also prepare for the wind, rain and snow that is to come.

The Tualatin Ready program improves disaster readiness at the neighborhood level. The presentation includes ways to prepare yourself, your family and your neighbors for different types of disasters. Often you will need to rely on neighbors before first responders, fire, medical or utility services arrive.

Neighborhood meetings last approximately 90 minutes and are presented by trained facilitators. During these meetings, you have an opportunity to work with your neighbors, learn skills and develop resources. Ample time is available for questions and discussion.

Food for thought:

  • Do you know where you have 40-50 gallons of potable water already stored in your residence?
  • Where is my gas meter and should I turn it off in an earthquake?
  • How will I communicate with immediate family and relatives if we lose cell service?
  • How will we get around in the snow, with trees down or after a quake?

How to participate:

  • Attend a community informational meeting.
  • Attend or host a neighborhood preparedness meeting
  • Register for CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) class
  • Learn about HAM radio and get your license

Community Involvement OrganizationFor more information about the program: www.tualatincert.org/tualatin-ready

For information or to schedule a neighborhood meeting:


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