Tualatin Patriot “Al” Turner Passes Away

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Tualatin has lost a great patriot. Albert “Al” Turner passed away on December 19. He was a highly decorated World War II veteran. His medals include ex-POW, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, combat medic, WWII victory, European Theatre, Presidential Unit Citation, Jubilee of Victory (from the French government), Good Conduct and honorable discharge (known as the ruptured duck). He turned 90 on December 3.

Al had a keen wit. He asked a young friend to read the dates on his driver’s license for him. After hearing the expiration date (which was some years in the future), he looked the friend in the eye and said, “Boy, they’re optimistic, aren’t they?” But overall, he was a humble, very modest gentleman. He rarely discussed his military experiences and if he did, it was primarily with other veterans.

Highly regarded in Tualatin and Wilsonville for his patriotic activities, he was responsible for several businesses along Hwy I-5 deciding to display large American flags. Also for the placement of American flags on the previous “Tualatin wall” located on the island between K-Mart and Fred Meyer; personally putting up the flags in the morning on patriotic holidays and taking them back down in the evening. The Tualatin City Council proclaimed him as “Mr. Patriot” on May 26, 2009

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