Scouting For Food 2024

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Tualatin Troop 530, Scouts BSA and Cub Scouts Pack 35 will collect canned goods and non-perishables on Saturday, March 2, beginning at 9 a.m. Please leave your items on your porch for the Scouts who canvass Tualatin’s neighborhoods, then deliver to the Tualatin Food Pantry (Tualatin School House Pantry) that day – keeping it local for those in need.  

About Scouting for Food: A Scout who helps those in need will develop kindness, compassion and a lifetime need to make a difference in the world. An annual tradition since 1986, Scouting for Food rallies Scouts nationwide to collect food for local food banks. Cascade Pacific Council Scouts will collect food for the hungry and provide it to specific local food banks throughout the greater Northwest. Food banks will be accepting non-perishable, unexpired food. Other ideas include monetary donations or gift cards. For additional information about Troop 530, visit or Scouting Foor Food at

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