Aging in Place: October 2021

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Fall is here. Daylight hours are shorter so it’s dark earlier, leaves are beginning to turn to those glorious fall colors, rain is coming back, temperatures are falling and the air is crisper. Have we put those summer clothes away and brought out the sweaters and jackets? Are we checking out our homes, turning the heat on to test it still works and change the filter, gutters are cleared, all the shingles on the roof are intact, general clean up to “batten down the hatches” for winter’s arrival? 

Are we taking stock of ourselves? What do we need personally to transition from one season to the next? Do we know resources and services available to seniors? Following is a list that I have compiled, with the help of many organizations, of information, websites, links and telephone numbers to have just in case you have a question, an issue or need some help.

Meals on Wheels People:

Do you need home delivered meals now or in the future? You can call 503-953-8111 to register or go on-line at and click on ’Get Meals’ on the face page.

Ride Connection:

Do you need a ride in Tualatin from your home to the doctor, grocery store, bank, post office or anywhere else, then call Ride Connection at 503-226-0700 to sign up for service.

Juanita Pohl Center:

We may be back to masks, social distancing and no large gatherings, but JPC has a variety of activities posted on their website to stay active and connected virtually. While the website address is long, joining in the programming and finding senior resources is easy:


Medicare open enrollment begins October 11. If you are new to Medicare or supplemental plans or have questions, SHIBA is your friend. There are no in person consultations as all appointments will be conducted by phone or virtually. Beginning October 11, call 503-846-3094, leave a message and a counselor will contact you. They ask that you please be patient waiting for a call back as they are short staffed but you will get a call.

Washington County Aging & Disability Resource Connection (ADRC):

This is your connection to county services, resources, programs and questions. Call 1-855-673-2372, ask your question or state your need and you will be directed to the right department and staff.

Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici’s Office:

If you have an issue with Social Security, Medicare or a federal agency, you can call Congresswoman Bonamici’s office and be connected to a staff person who can help – 503-469-6010.

Retirement Connection:

This on-line resource book is a complete information source of service providers, government agencies, medical and in home care providers, a variety of senior living facilities and general helpful information for both seniors and their families. Go to their website and click on ‘Greater Portland/Vancouver’ for more information.

Oregon Attorney General’s Office:

If you have any questions about telephone/mail scams, sales or fraud or have been a victim of same, you can go to the website,, for information and how to report. Seniors seem to be easy targets, so don’t be a victim. Learn how to protect yourself.

Even with all the resources mentioned, don’t forget to stay connected to family, friends and neighbors. We can all help each other.


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