Library Offers Wealth of Services, Even Though Doors are Closed

    Tualatin Public Library. (Henry Kaus/Tualatin Life)
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    While the closure of the Library means you can’t browse our shelves for your next read, you can still find page-turners, audiobooks and films to enjoy from home for free from our digital collections. The OverDrive and Libby e-book and e-audiobook collection has selections for adults, teens and kids and is expanding to shorten wait times.

    Film streaming service Kanopy has introduced new movies that can be watched without using your monthly viewing credits. Tumblebooks offers animated picture books that will delight the younger members of your household.

    Our digital collections are available 24/7 and are available on your computer. Libby, OverDrive and Kanopy also have free, easy to use apps for most devices. For links and more information, see the library’s home page at

    If you didn’t get around to signing up for a library card before we closed, Washington County Cooperative Library Services offers an e-card for all county residents who don’t already have a card. Signing up is easy and instant at This will give you access to our digital collections of books, audiobooks, movies, and documentaries as well as our research resources and online learning options.

    Now might be the time to try to brush up on project management or office software, or Mango Languages to start learning a new language with its fun, interactive lessons. Maybe your whole household will become fluent in Pirate!

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