VFW Men’s Auxiliary Being Formed

Jane Whitmore.
Jane Whitmore.
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A Men’s Auxiliary organizing meeting is being held at the Cpl Matthew Lembke Hall at 6:30 pm on Thursday, March 18.   Post Commander Ron Holland explained that there are many community members who want to assist veterans and troops but eligibility requirements for VFW restrict membership to US veterans who served in a foreign war, the Tualatin VFW is starting a Men’s Auxiliary.

Eligibility for the Men’s Auxiliary is a much broader category. It is open to family members of US military who served in foreign wars. This includes grandsons, sons, siblings, spouses, fathers, or grandfathers. This membership includes club privileges.  

Holland said that females who have similar family relationships are eligible to join the Women’s Auxiliary which has an active support program underway. 

The Tualatin VFW Post is located at 18820 SW Boones Ferry Rd. The website is
https://vfw3452.org. Contact Dale Potts at 503 692-1832 for more information.

VFW Speech Contest Entry Wins State Title

Tualatin VFW’s Voice of Democracy (VOD) entry won the state finals at Hood River on Nov 16th.  Jane Whitmore, a junior at Tigard High, defeated 15 other finalists to win a $2,000 check for college and now is competing nationally for scholarships worth up to $30,000.

This is an audio-essay contest for high school students in grades 9-12, that annually provides more than $3 million in scholarships. Additionally, she won an all-expense paid trip to Washington, DC, March 6-10, and another trip to Valley Forge in June where she will join with state winners.

She represents Tualatin Veterans of Foreign Wars Post and Auxiliary 3452.  She shared honors with Tualatin High Senior Ashley Thiesen in the Tualatin VOD competition; each received a $150 check for college. The theme was “Does America Still Have Hero’s”.

Jane then won at the District level – collecting $200 college money and becoming a finalist for state honors.

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Dale Potts
Dale G. Potts has organized and MC’d Tualatin’s Memorial Day observation for the past 16 years. He is a Navy Vietnam vet, serving as the Public Affairs Officer of the Aircraft Carrier USS Yorktown. After active duty, he remained in the reserves, retiring as a Navy Captain (same rank as an Army Colonel). His civilian career was primarily as the Oregon Public Affairs Officer for IRS. Contact Dale at vet.dale@gmail.com.