Tualatin CIO President’s Report

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    Tualatin’s CIO Presidents continue to bring information, ideas and concerns of their residents to the attention of the City Council members and various city leaders.  In addition, they communicate important information to those who live and work here.

    The Tualatin Neighborhood Ready program brings important safety information to the community.  It provides critical information about emergency preparedness for a variety of potential disasters we may face: urban fire, ice & wind storms, floods, earthquake, and chemical accidents.  

    Tualatin Neighborhood Ready continues to offer free Zoom presentations to the public.  The next are scheduled Saturday, Oct. 2 at 10 a.m. and Monday, Nov. 8 at 7 p.m.  These Zoom presentations do require a preregistration through the link found at www.tualatincert.org/tualatin-ready

    Much more fun is to be together in person with your neighbors on driveways, cul-de-sacs or decks.  Dates are of your choosing; trained facilitators are available weekday evenings and Saturday mornings.  To schedule an in-person gathering email TualatinReadyMYN@gmail.com.  

    Topics in both formats include: risks we may face, making a Family Plan, documents you should have, assembling Go Bags, “Shelter in place” storage ideas, making your home safe, how and when to shut off utilities, urban fire evacuation levels, and the value of connecting with your neighbors.  A free workbook and several specific topic handouts are also included.

    Because of COVID-19, the last 19 months have required the program to adjust to new format and protocols.  All of us have experienced this need in both our personal and professional lives.  Unfortunately, it seems we will need to remain flexible for the foreseeable future.  

    Mother Nature’s challenges haven’t been slowed or curtailed by the pandemic!  For our safety and resilience, we must still be prepared in the event of a disaster. Tualatin Neighborhood Ready provides information to help you take steps ahead of time.

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