Zero to 60 in One Season

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It is getting harder and harder to stop and sit down to jot out a few thoughts. Honestly, if it were not for the impending article deadline, I would not have stopped to think about reflecting on life at all – especially the gardening aspects of life. It may just be me or my place in life, but it feels like the world is moving at a faster pace. There is no time to stop and smell any numerous proverbial roses. I have got things to do! It is time to buckle down and keep moving so we can accomplish all of our outstanding goals before the end of the year (it is approaching). 

With the pressure to get everything done as soon as possible, I have to admit that I have gone very electronic with my life. I order my coffee online: press the order again button, drive up, walk-in, walk-out. Very quick, very efficient, very not personal. I have stopped having nearly any interaction with any individuals in the coffee shop. With the change of season, drive-thrus have become a daily occurrence, and there is no time to go in and wait, stand, or even unbuckle. I wouldn’t dare risk stepping outside when I could possibly get wet; the convenience of staying dry in the car is too good to pass up. It does hurt my attempts to be more environmentally conservative when I am sitting in a stalled car waiting for my coffee, in a single-use cup (again). I can not help but feel it is entirely necessary and quite a time-saver, no matter how long the line is. My brain has been trained to believe that this is the only way to get coffee, no wait. Many things in life have turned that way. Why wait? Instant gratification is at your fingertips. 

Realistically, all of this “time saving” just comes out in the wash. We each have the same 24 hours in a day, and time is money. However, time is a social construct created simply to form some order in the short spectrum of human life. The bottom line, there is never enough time. Yet, animals and plants alike seem to follow a biological clock ingrained with the seasons and no appearance of being rushed. There is a time and a place for everything – a time to lose leaves and remain dormant, a time to blossom and leaf out. Each step is carefully chosen and signaled by outside factors. The trick is, we humans listen to external factors as well.

In seasons like fall and winter, it is fairly easy to listen to outside factors, like the weather. If it is cold, wet, and stormy, most people want to stay inside. Usually, there is still work to be done, and projects on the inside can get tackled. This is most often when people stop gardening, myself included. 

Yet, there are those of us who push on. Sting, a fellow Garden Rebel, can be found outside working hard in any conditions. My father, J-Dogg, claims that if you are cold, it is simply because you did not dress appropriately for the weather. For those adventurous gardeners, the weather is only a challenge they are more than willing to meet. Sting is happy to greet you outside no matter the conditions and share a coffee. This does not seem ideal for gardeners like myself, who enjoy staying dry and simply do not have enough time to spend wandering around outside. I invite you to pull up our website, or download our app, and peruse our selection. It is as easy as ordering your groceries, delivering your dog food, or even shipping your mile-long list of holiday gifts. While you may miss out on a wonderful coffee, you will be able to continue your busy day and just might save a few minutes to enjoy your new houseplant safely in your favorite armchair watching the rainstorm outside. Either way, for both types of gardeners, there is a solution, and we look forward to gardening with you soon.

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