The Tualatin Chamber of Commerce: Picking up speed in the new year!

Anneleah Jaxen
Tualatin Chamber of Commerce CEO Anneleah Jaxen. Mike Antonelli/Tualatin Life
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So many exciting projects and events are in process.

As the colorful advertisement below shows, the Chamber of Commerce’s “Excellence in Business Awards Banquet” is happening at the Tualatin Country Club on Friday, March 10, with a silent auction, a Mardi Gras theme with a traditional New Orleans menu, music, and dance! Many Chamber members will be recognized for showing excellence in business in 2022. It is a joyful way to roll into the new year, and we hope you will join us.

The Business Advocacy Council (BAC), chaired by Susan Noack, focuses on the different government areas where business advocacy is needed. Every other Friday, we receive reports from the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce on the Legislative sessions and the various house bills in Salem. We work to ensure we are on top of anything that may affect our Tualatin businesses.

Recently we have been attending the City of Tualatin Planning Commission meetings on the Basalt Creek Employment Zone to make sure we are present and up to speed on the topic of the codes that will be put in place for that business development.

And the “Oregon Tolling Updates” website and podcast are growing stronger and stronger, with Editor in Chief, and Podcast Host, Daniel Lacy, researching the latest articles, committee meetings, and interviewing those who have the facts about the current plan to toll all freeways in Oregon. The Board approved this website for the purpose of giving our businesses the facts about tolling so that they could have a voice and we could advocate for them. Please subscribe and tell your friends. It wouldn’t be a bad idea for you to listen to Daniel’s own podcast, “DR CarCast,” on all things automotive… especially since there is a huge push in Oregon toward Electric Vehicles. “DR CarCast” has a long series on Electric Vehicles that could help you with that decision too.

The Engagement Committee successfully accomplished its first “Seminar at Perlo” on January 25, 2023. This first Seminar featured Willie Fisher from Clackamas Community College Business and Workforce Solutions, who taught about employee retention during times of turmoil. The audience gave favorable reviews, and now the committee is hard at work coordinating the March 29, 2023, Seminar with Matthew Tabor of “WestPac Wealth Partners” teaching about businesses’ financial health. Riley Anderson of Academy Mortgage is the leader of the team that coordinates the “Tualatin Chamber of Commerce Seminars at Perlo.” He and his team have been extremely focused on ensuring that the Seminars are powerful, relevant, and aligned with what our businesses are telling us they need and want.

The Ambassador Committee has new leadership for 2023. Terry Wager of Generator Consulting is the new Chair and has created an action plan for increasing the number of businesses joining us for the morning and evening networking. Terry is an expert in business health and solutions and has already helped the group get started on new goals. The Ambassadors have been working on new ways to help connect the members to their best referrals and have even enlisted the “Blues Brothers” to show up for some Happy PM Networking soon. They are looking for a 1974 Dodge Monaco with a rusty Police paint job to complete the look. If you have one, please call us, and better than that, join us. We are serious about helping you to connect with each other, and also have fun while supporting you.

Bill Cohen of “Cohen Caregiving Support,” Terri Beardsley of “Life Vantage,” and Amanda Ballard of “Oasis Senior Advisors” are the Leadership team that is going to restart the Health and Wellness Committee. This committee will put on Health and Wellness networking and presentations from Tualatin Health industry professionals. They are also planning a Health and Wellness Vendor Fair event for Fall. Bill and Amanda excel in helping adult children of elderly parents find the best long-term care possible for their loved ones, and Terri is an expert in health supplements for excellent health with LifeVantage. The Board will hear the Health and Wellness team’s application for starting up again at the next Board meeting in March—Stay tuned!

The Tualatin Chamber is partnering with Linda Moholt on the #Workready  Career Exploration: “Emerging Careers-Charting Your Course” Event on March 16. The goal is to introduce students to the many opportunities in our community and the world that are available in STEM-related fields. If you are a business that would like to participate, please e-mail

We are off to a great start in 2023. If you are a business in Tualatin and haven’t experienced the Tualatin Chamber of Commerce, you really should come by one of our networking events and let us show you around. We are looking out for you… and for a 1974 Dodge Monaco.

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