Historical Society Hosts Second Heritage Evening Fundraiser

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After no in-person activities since March 2020, Tualatin Historical Society welcomes the public to a “reopening” Heritage Evening on the patio Friday, September 17, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. The popular event once again features NW food, wine and beer favorites, live music and conversation. Entry is $45 per person; after August 31, the price is $55.

A first-ever oral auction led by Oregon Cowboy Poet and Tualatin resident Tom Sweringen will feature items such as a week’s stay at a coastal home in Manzanita; a custom watercolor by Carlos Horcos, who interpreted the historic photos of Tualatin over the decades for the city’s Centennial; professional photography session with thumb drive you keep by Al Stewart; private tour of the Portland Rose Garden by a Portland Rosarian; lunch for two at a Tualatin venue with Mayor Frank Bubenik; and an 8 hour rental at the Tualatin Heritage Center.

Cash prizes of $ 500, $250 and $100 will be given to three winners holding lucky $10 raffle tickets now on sale. However, ticket holders do not need to be present to win. Gift cards and mystery wines can also be purchased that evening. All proceeds help the Society restore full operation after 18 months of lost revenue from rentals and events.

Even though public events were canceled for 18 months due to Covid, the “dark time” enabled volunteers to build an amazing new website (tualatinhistory.org). Several virtual programs offered during the year were recorded and are accessible there as well. New oral histories of Tualatin personalities were also added to the collection. Dozens of new engraved bricks were installed in the patio sidewalk honoring family members.

Tickets are available for sale by credit card, cash or check by calling the Tualatin Heritage Center, 503-885-1926. in person or email:

The Tualatin Heritage Center is located at 8700 SW Sweek, Tualatin, OR, adjacent to the Police Station.

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