Business and Community Working Together is the motto of your Tualatin Chamber of Commerce which is celebrating its 40th year of serving the interests of business and community. The mission of the Chamber is to help businesses succeed by providing connectivity through education, promotion and advocacy. We serve our community by promoting our businesses which in turn promotes and increases our city’s economy by advocating for reliable and accessible transit options, affordable housing, livable wages and partnering with our school district for programs that help our students be workforce ready.
The Chamber takes pride in our motto and sees it put to use every day throughout our community with our businesses engaged in and supporting each other and our citizens. We see our members engaging in the community that supports them with countless hours of volunteerism, charitable contributions, community activism, youth programs, special events and business development and growth.
To recognize these businesses and community leaders, the Tualatin Chamber held its 40th Excellence in Business Awards Celebration on April 29, 2021. This annual event is designed to celebrate and honor the chamber businesses, selected by the membership, who represented Excellence in Business and Community in 2020. There are six awards given with three nominees in each category, plus two individual awards. The 20 nominees and 8 winners represent all of the Chamber members who make Tualatin such a wonderful place to live and do business.
The Tualatin Chamber of Commerce extends a huge thank you to our businesses, sponsors and volunteers who join together to support each other and the Tualatin community. We are Business and Community Working Together.
The Chamber of Commerce 2020 Excellence in Business Awards were presented to:

Ambassador of the Year is selected for their outstanding service as the face of the Chamber in our community, taking initiative to seek and support struggling businesses, and develop strong connections to the community around them. The award was presented to Christine McGinley, Generator Coaching & Consulting for her many valuable contributions to the Chamber and high level of service and support she provided in 2020.

Volunteer of the Year honors an individual who has repeatedly demonstrated a willingness to give countless volunteerism hours to the Chamber and embraces the spirit of “business and community working together.” The award was presented to Sarah Bulfinch, Green Ridge Solar, for her “we can do this and then does it” spirit and her consistent promotion of the Chamber within its membership and the Tualatin community.

New Business of the Year goes to a new Tualatin business that opened their doors in 2020 and became a true member of the community supporting the Chamber and local organizations. The award was presented to Terri Beardsley, Life Vantage, an advocate for individual health and wellness, and who immediately embraced the Chamber mission and consistently gives back to the Chamber and community through volunteering and contributions.

Spirit of Tualatin-Individual is presented for outstanding community service by an individual or individuals in recognition of their contributions and dedication to the community in 2020 to make Tualatin a better place to live and work. The honor goes to Terry Wager and Christine McGinley/Generator Coaching & Consulting, whom, as partners, made it a priority to connect with members in the Chamber and stepped up to be all around helpful to the entire Tualatin community during a very challenging year.

Spirit of Tualatin-Business is awarded to the service club, non-profit organization or business in recognition of their contributions to the community in the past year to make Tualatin a better place to live. Sandy Kosik and the Borland Free Clinic is the recipient in 2020. They exemplify giving back by running this free clinic, housed in the Rolling Hills Community Church, for medical services for anyone in the community without judgement or discrimination and no one is turned away.

Business Leader of the Year reflects someone in the Tualatin Chamber who has made specific, significant and lasting contributions to the Tualatin community. The award was presented to Annie Bartelamia Lee/Lee Farms as the 6th generation to run Lee Farms in their 151 years in Tualatin, giving back to their community, neighboring farms and other local businesses.

Lifetime Achievement Award is given to a business or individual who has consistently given back to the community time and time again over the years and whose example encourages other to do the same. This year’s recipient is “Mr. Tualatin” Frank Bubenik/Compass Computing Group, and the Mayor of our City, who has lived, worked and volunteered here for 28 years. Frank works tirelessly to keep Tualatin livable and business thriving and is our city’s voice in the region and state. Somehow between being mayor and in business, Frank sits on several community boards and consistently volunteers for the betterment of our community. His heart belongs to Tualatin.

Business and Community Champion Award is given to honor a business, organization or individual who went above and beyond to support, contribute and promote our community. The recipient for 2020 is Jonathan Taylor, City of Tualatin Economic Development Director, for his tireless efforts to support local businesses on behalf of the City at the onset of the pandemic and to make sure businesses knew about funding and could access it. He brought the concept of a business recovery center (BRC) to local and county officials, resulting in funding for four BRCs in the county, including the very successful center here in Tualatin. His advocacy for and support of the business community is extraordinary.
The Tualatin Chamber of Commerce congratulates all the winners for their 2020 Excellence in Business Awards. They represent and exemplify Business and Community Working Together. This is why Tualatin is known as a great place to live, work and play.