Join Tualatin City Leaders for Q&A

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On December 6, all Tualatin businesses and commercial property owners are invited to meet via Zoom with Tualatin Mayor Frank Bubenik, Police Chief Greg Pickering, City Manager Sherilyn Lombos, and current Commercial Community Involvement Organization (CCIO) board members. The preliminary agenda includes updates from our speakers and a Q & A session.  Questions in advance are appreciated.  Email them to the Executive Board at

Tualatin has a lot happening including:

  • Updating the Transportation Plan
  • Expansion to city limits
  • New industrial and residential developments 
  • Questions about changes to the sign policies 
  • Challenges in policing
  • Development or lack of development in urban renewal districts

Some of these changes may affect your business and we invite you to join the conversation.

Membership in the CCIO is automatic and free to all business or commercial property representatives. The meeting link is posted on our website at  The Zoom meeting starts at 3:30 pm and will end at 5 pm.  If there isn’t enough time to address all the questions, CCIO volunteers will follow up and respond  to participants after the meeting.

Riverpark CIO President, Janine Wilson:

East CIO President, Doug Ulmer:

Midwest CIO President, Richard Harrison:

Martinazzi Woods CIO President, Sallie Olson:

Ibach CIO President, Patricia Parsons:

Byrom CIO President, Tim Neary:

Commercial CIO President, Catherine Holland:

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