Summer Art Show at Tualatin Library features watercolors of Nola Pear

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Come to the Tualatin Public Library and see the beautiful watercolor artwork of Nola Pear on display now through summer 2022. 

New Beginnings

In the space called the Living Room Gallery, the great room with the great fireplace, you will find three walls with an array of artwork to captivate you. The subject matter of the paintings ranges from sensational florals, expressive landscapes, and fascinating wildlife. One of my favorites in the art show is a painting called “New Beginnings,” which shows a gorgeously rendered bird’s nest filled with delicate blue Robins eggs. All the paintings will draw you in.

Nola is an artist inspired by nature and devoted to her medium. Not content to do the same thing the same way every time, she constantly experiments with new techniques for creating a rich visual experience. Adding salt and granulating medium are favorite methods for enhancing textural elements that mimic the natural world. All of Nola’s artwork is a celebration of nature in all its beauty. 

Incoming Storm

Behind the artist is a person with an interesting history and a love of knowledge and truth. Nola was a flight attendant back in the day when air travel was colorful and fun. She has many stories from flying the friendly skies to partaking in cultural experiences in foreign lands. Interested and informed on many subjects, she will have an engaging conversation with you on anything from ancient civilizations to politics and spirituality to extraterrestrials. She can also tell you about all the best country songwriters in Nashville today because she loves music, and her interests are really that diverse. 

Come see the show and be inspired. If you are wondering if Nola had a previous exhibition at the Tualatin Library, you remember correctly. A different collection of Nola’s paintings were installed for display in February 2020, a couple of weeks before all public places went into lockdown mode because of the pandemic. Her first show didn’t get the display period it deserved, so we have brought Nola back for all to enjoy until Labor Day. 

If you are interested in learning more about the art exhibition program at the Living Room Gallery in the Tualatin Public Library, contact Coordinator & Gallerist Angela Wrahtz by email at

This program is sponsored in part by the Tualatin Arts Advisory Committee.

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