Tualatin Historical Society Hosts 3rd Annual Arbor Day Poetry Contest

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With April comes the beginning of Spring and National Poetry Month, but more is in store! Tualatin Historical Society is hosting its 3rd Annual Arbor Day Poetry Contest. This is a unique opportunity to submit your poetry and be recognized by your fellow writers. 

These are the requirements. All poems should celebrate the spirit of Arbor Month and must be submitted by March 17th, 2024.  Participants include, but are not restricted to Tualatin residents. Please submit one previously unpublished poem of no more than 200 words. Times New Roman, 12 point font only. No reprints, no previous posts on social media and no simultaneous submissions. There is no submission fee. 

Judges will evaluate poems based on their ability to entertain as well as their technical excellence. This year’s judges are: Loyce Martinazzi, author, playwright, and Historical Society co-founder; Cindy Dyson, local author and host of the Poems by Heart podcast; and Tom Swearingen, Tualatin’s very own “Oregon Cowboy Poet” who is the 2022 and 2019 International Western Music Association Male Poet of the Year.  All submissions are judged anonymously. 

All participants will win a free one year membership to Tualatin Historical Society and all submissions will be recognized by being posted on our web page and permanently placed in our historical archives. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners will receive special prizes.

Winners will also be invited to read their entries live on April 3rd at the Heritage Center which will also feature Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District discussing how to improve your Backyard Habitat for trees, animals, plants, birds and bees.   Last year’s prize winners included: 1st Place “Trees and the Human Connection” by Shelby Bell; 2nd Place “Growing Green” by M. L. Lyons and 3rd Place “Enduring Presence” by Trish Brisbois.  See all 2023 entrants:  tualatinhistory.org/innews/2023poetrycontest

To submit your poem, please email ask@tualatinhistory.org. Please include your title in the subject line.

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