From Despair to Hope: Conquering Peripheral Neuropathy with Nyberg Acupuncture & Wellness

Conquering Peripheral Neuropathy with Nyberg Acupuncture
Conquering Peripheral Neuropathy with Nyberg Acupuncture
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“It’s as though I’m stepping from razor blade to razor blade.”

“It feels like my feet are under attack by fire ants.”

“Like I’m walking on wet paint with rolled-up socks.”

And you’re in this kind of pain all the time.

“It’s relentless, keeping you up at night and preventing you from doing even the most mundane tasks. Things that I used to take for granted, like wearing shoes and going grocery shopping. Two of my three children were getting married last year, and I wasn’t even sure I was going to be able to attend their weddings,” shares Rose W.

Rose was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy in 2015, a degenerative condition affecting almost 5% of people over the age of 55.

“My doctor sat me down and said, ‘Rose, I’m so sorry to tell you this, but you have peripheral neuropathy. I’m going to prescribe you gabapentin to manage the discomfort, but overall, neuropathy is untreatable.’ My first thought was, ‘We can cure cancer, but you can’t stop my feet from hurting?’ It felt like a cruel joke.”

While neuropathy can be caused by a number of things, including diabetes and chemotherapy, over 23% of neuropathy cases are classified as idiopathic. In layman’s terms, the cause is unknown. This was the case with Rose. “Basically, every question I had was met with an ‘I don’t know.’ It was depressing, to say the least.”

Eventually, Rose was forced to quit her job because the numbness had started to set in and prevented her from driving.

Fortunately for Rose, she stumbled upon acupuncture after attending a local health and wellness seminar, where a speaker briefly mentioned its success in treating various chronic conditions, including neuropathy. “I thought it had to be a sham. After so many specialists told me there was no hope, here was this Doctor saying he had a 90% success rate in treating neuropathy! I just had to call and I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am that I did.”

Dr. Jeffrey Savage, founder of Nyberg Acupuncture & Wellness, says that cases like Rose’s are incredibly common. “Almost all of my neuropathy patients have been told at one point or another that there is no hope. I like to think I specialize in offering hope.”

To quote the New York Times, “Chinese medicine proves itself where Western medicine fails.”

“Acupuncture has been treating complicated, chronic conditions like neuropathy for thousands of years,” shares Dr. Savage. “I start with a foundation that blends this time-tested science with the latest insights from modern medical research. I then tailor treatments based on a number of factors, including the severity of your neuropathy, how long you’ve had it, whether or not there are any underlying factors, things of that nature. It’s because of these personalized treatment programs that we’re seeing such incredible results!”

Four months after treatment, Rose is back at work and thriving. “Being back at work isn’t even the most exciting part,” exclaims Rose. “Not only was I able to attend my son’s wedding, but I could walk down the aisle! It was the most magical moment and I have Dr. Jeff to thank for it. To think, I might’ve missed that.” Rose held back tears.

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, regardless of its cause, it’s time to call Dr. Savage and the staff at Nyberg Acupuncture & Wellness. Call (503) 336-4747 to schedule your very own comprehensive consultation, and visit to take advantage of their new patient offer, a $40 consult (normally $240).

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