Mayor’s Corner: February 2024

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Parks Bond Progress Report

On November 8, 2022, Tualatin voters approved a $25,000,000 bond issue to finance capital costs related to trails, natural areas, sports fields, parks, and river access. Projects to be included are a new east-west trail corridor and public access point on the Tualatin River, new and improved sports fields, and park improvements citywide. Tualatin Parks staff have been working diligently since May of last year on various projects. In this month’s column. I’d like to give you a brief update.

Play & Park Equipment

  • Atfalati Park – Playground equipment has been replaced, and a new picnic shelter has been added. Thanks to the suggestion from the Parks Advisory Committee, a shade canopy will be added to this bright play area. An accessible and inclusive MOVMNT electronic play feature has also been installed and is ready for use.
  • Ibach Park – Play equipment (rocker & bouncy bridge) has been added in the 5-12 year old area. Coming soon in the Spring are tween/teen play area equipment replacements.
  • Jurgens Park – Opening soon in the play areas are new equipment selected by the community. The 5 – 12-year-old section has swings, a corkscrew slide, a climbing wall, a rope bridge, a double slide, and a rope tower climber with a forest theme. The 2 – 5-year-old section has a play house, butterfly bouncer, bucket swings, dual-direction bumpy slide, and climbing pods.

Athletic Fields

The energy-efficient sports lighting replacement project has been completed and will soon be ready for community use at the Tualatin Community Park softball field.  

Natural Areas and River Access

The city has purchased seventeen acres of future parkland. Fourteen acres are on Boones Ferry across from the Autumn Sunrise development and will serve residents and the nearby future employment area. Another three acres are next to Tualatin Community Park for future river access. Planning, design and community engagement is expected to begin later this year for this waterfront property.

Upgrade to the Tualatin Commons

Veterans Plaza construction at Tualatin Commons begins February 21 and will be completed before the Pumpkin Regatta.

Trail Connections

A design engineer will be selected in March to develop the Nyberg Creek Trail along the south side of the wetlands between I-5 and 65th Ave. The trail will be 0.7 miles long. Now under construction through a state and county grant is a half-mile extension of the Tualatin River Greenway Trail on Hazelbrook Road. This regional trail goes under Highway 99 and connects to the existing trail at River Ridge Apartments.

I want to thank our Parks and Recreation staff for the excellent progress made so far. If you’d like to provide suggestions/feedback, send an email to either Rich Mueller, Parks Planning & Development Manager, or Kira Hein, Parks Bond Project Manager,

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