Scouting Strong in Tualatin

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Tualatin Troop 530 has been Scouting Strong in Tualatin since 1952 when it was formally chartered with the Boy Scouts of America, in the Cascade Pacific Council, by the Tualatin Parent Teacher Association. It was the first Troop to serve this community. The meeting place was Tualatin Grange School on Boones Ferry Road. In 1952, the population of Tualatin was only about 200. The city itself consisted of a few stores and businesses serving the surrounding farms. The small population was spread out across the area. Today, 27,600 people make Tualatin their home, and only two remaining Scouts, BSA Troops and only one Cub Scout Pack at Byrom Elementary School that continue to serve the community. Troop 530 has benefited from the strong support of several charter organizations over the years. The first was the Tualatin Parent Teachers Association from 1952-57. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3452 sponsored the troop from 1958-1979, and the troop met for some years at the VFW Hall. Since 1980, the troop has been sponsored by the Tualatin Lions Club and continues to meet in person locally. 

Troop 530 was able to meet virtually throughout the past year and was able to attend summer camp at Camp Meriwether this past summer. Troop 530 has a strong commitment in providing the community with many service projects such as Flags for Veterans, Flag Retirements, Tree Recycling, Scouting for Food, Tualatin Easter Egg Hunt, City of Tualatin Arbor Day events such as Ivy pulls and litter sweeps, Veterans Day ceremonies, Assisted Living visits, Tualatin Crawfish Festival contests, and more.

Many of these projects benefited Tualatin High School, Byrom Elementary School, Tualatin Schoolhouse Food Pantry, Tualatin Presbyterian Church, World of Speed, First United Methodist Church, City of Durham, and the surrounding City of Tualatin’s local natural habitats, parks, waterways, and the Meridian Marker, Scoutmaster Lance Lewellan and previous Scoutmaster Norm Dannemiller have had a great group of Assistant Scoutmasters and adults supporting the youth in their leadership development. The Troop has awarded the rank of Eagle Scout to 67 youth over the years, along with the honor of having two scouts who were elected and served for a year with the Order of the Arrow Scouting’s Honor Society. They are Nick Dannemiller, past National Chief 2014, and Tyler Inberg, National Vice Chief 2016, Currently one Eagle Scout, Mason Lewallen, is serving as the Wauna La-Mon’tay Lodge’s Chief for the 2021-2022 year,

If your son or daughter is interested in joining the adventures that scouting has to offer, the Troop meets on Mondays, at the Tualatin Elks Lodge, 8350 SW Warm Springs St, Tualatin, at 7 pm. All meetings are held with COVID guidelines, and the troop has a lot of outdoor activities and service projects that are fun and provide leadership development along the way. Contact Scoutmaster Lance Lewallen at or call by phone: (503) 753-8922 or visit their website

Scouts announce tree recycling dates

Tualatin BSA Troops 35 and 530 will be offering Christmas tree recycling on Saturday, Jan. 1 (New Years Day) and the following Saturday, Jan. 8. Suggested Donation is $12 for small trees and $17 for trees six feet or larger.

To participate, have your tree curbside by 9 am on either date. Please make all checks payable to Scouts BSA and place into an envelope and attach it to the tree. To prevent theft a scout will come knock on the door if NO envelope is attached to the tree. 

To prevent theft a scout will come knock on the door if no envelope is attached to tree. If donating through Venmo, please put an X in an envelope or piece of paper to let the scouts know at the time of pick up.

Thank you for supporting your Tualatin Scout Troops this holiday season! For more information or if any questions call or text 503-662-2239.

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