CIOs Get Results
Celebration of Success
Tualatin elected officials, staff, residents, and Community Involvement Organization (CIO) leaders celebrated the official opening of the Garden Corner Curves on Saturday, November 20th.
This public safety victory for residents has many authors, but only one group can take credit for initially identifying the problem and pursuing a solution with energy, persuasion, and perseverance: the volunteers of Ibach and Midwest CIOs by convincing the city over many years to take action. The argument was clear: it was a dangerous curve.
Rejuvenation & Looking for Volunteers to Champion Current Issues
CIOs’ role of speaking up for residents and businesses is not over.
At the Garden Corner Curves celebration, Ed Casey, current Ibach CIO President, asked residents to sign up to help with current issues. Promoting livability is hard, but it can be done. Voicing concerns takes teamwork. It takes effort. That is what CIOs can do.
COVID damaged the economy, our lives and our businesses. It also made community involvement very difficult. CIO leaders faced great challenges in providing citizen and community involvement events and communication.
Then in August 2021, with improved city support and refreshed leadership, the CIO program underwent a rejuvenation progress. We launched a new website at www.tualatincio.org and held meetings via Zoom using the model Martinazzi Woods CIO created. At our website, you can read our story, find your CIO, read about accomplishments and current issues, and, of course, share an issue you think needs follow-up.
What CIOs Do
CIO leaders and volunteers worked to advance community issues to City staff, City Council, Metro and State agencies; in some cases, created change. Other projects facilitated communication of City information to the neighborhoods.
During the past ten years, we’ve served as community safety advocates, watchdogs of regulation changes, and enforcement, Tualatin livability and equity advocates, and agents of strong neighborhood bonds. Below lists some of our successes. For the full report, go to our website.
We Are Community Safety Advocates
Championed for many years the much-needed Garden Corners Curves construction/sidewalk project.
Confirmed pedestrian safety as a priority in TSP, assisted in locating marked crosswalks, speed control signs in school zones, $20 million bond to fund some of these projects.
Requested creation of emergency preparedness support resulting in the creation of CERT, Ham Radio Emergency Net, and Tualatin Neighborhood Ready (TNR) education outreach both in person and via Zoom. CERT currently has 109 active CERTs and 87 licensed Ham operators.
We Are Watchdogs of Regulation Changes and Enforcement
Created the Clean Air Safe Environment Committee (CASE), partnering with Metro and DEQ to monitor Grimm’s composting. The process significantly reduced odors and improved relationships between neighbors and the company.
Participated in planning meetings and requested that the elevated bridge on SW Blake Street at Garden Corner’s curve be removed from the Transportation System Plan (TSP).
Held meetings providing community feedback challenging a proposed mini-mart/gas station within the boundary of residential homes.
We Promote Tualatin Livability and Equity Advocates
Supported Ride Connection expansion outside Tualatin’s east boundary.
Used CIO grant funds to install two park benches in the Pony Ridge Greenway.
Used grant funds to support the new track at Bridgeport Elementary School.
Promoted allowing backyard chickens into municipal code.
We are Agents of Strong Neighborhood Bonds
Prior to March 2020 and the pandemic, held annual meetings with members inviting Tualatin Police, TVFR, and City representatives to make presentations on current topics. Since the pandemic, 3 CIOs have held member meetings via Zoom.
Over a period of a year, invited neighbors to promote, gained City approval, and assisted with the design of a new off-leash dog area in Jurgen’s Park.
All residential CIOs mapped out their areas and joined Nextdoor to help bring neighbors and organizations together by CIO area.
Invited Tualatin Neighborhood Ready (TNR) to their neighborhoods, homes, and businesses to create a local emergency plan. More than 750 residents and businesses have participated in TNR education programs.
Do you care about Tualatin? Are you interested in what is going on? Are you concerned about all of the changes happening to Tualatin? Is it time for you to get involved? If so, contact us at tualatincio@gmail.com.