West Coast Ravens fly over Tualatin

(Courtesy/Al Stewart)
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Although Tualatin’s traditional Memorial Day observance at the Winona Cemetery was canceled this year due to COVID concerns, a few dozen people showed up anyway to witness the West Coast Ravens’ flyover. 

An impressive 12-plane formation streamed over Tualatin’s Winona Cemetery on Memorial Day, providing an aerial salute to our country’s military veterans who had paid the ultimate price while serving our country. The clear blue skies on a beautiful sunny day added to the patriotism for the 40 or so folks who gathered at the cemetery to watch. Citizens living along the flight path also felt privileged to view the planes.

Scouts had put a small mounted American flag on each veteran’s grave, giving a red, white and blue swirl throughout the cemetery. A number of local vets gathered in the cemetery for the formation, enjoying each other’s company as they viewed the flyover.

Dale Potts, the organizer of Tualatin’s Memorial Observance and long-time Tualatin resident, tells Tualatin Life that the Memorial Day Observance, which typically features speeches from local veterans and dignitaries, will return next year.

Local Tualatin photographer Al Stewart (alstewartphotography.com) shared these images with Tualatin Life.

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