Juanita Pohl Center Hosts Annual Veterans Recognition Breakfast

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Register NOW and reserve your spot at this year’s Veterans Recognition Breakfast! Pre-registration is required, please call 503-691-3061. Attendance is limited.

Honor and salute veterans at this annual event. Come enjoy a delicious catered breakfast celebrating veterans and all they’ve done for our country. Guest speakers will present, and prizes will be raffled off for veterans during the event.

This year’s event will be held on Thursday, November 9, from 9-10:30 a.m. at the Juanita Pohl Center. It is FREE for All Veterans and $12 for Non-Veterans.

Tualatin Honors Veterans special recognition yard signs are also available this year. If you are or you know a veteran, and you would like a special recognition yard sign, please drop in at the Juanita Pohl Center (8513 SW Tualatin Rd.) to pick one up! Yard signs will be available for pick-up November 1-8, 2023. Limited quantities remain. First-come, first-serve.

Please call 503-691-3061 with questions or for more information. You can also visit the Veterans Recognition Event page (tinyurl.com/3jbj65ex) on the website!

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