Tualatin Scouts sponsor Bike Rodeo

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Tualatin’s Cub Scout Pack 35 and Scouts BSA Troop 530 are proud to sponsor a Bike Rodeo on Thursday, September 14, 2023. The event will be held at the Tualatin Community Park Train Trestle Shelter from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

The Bike Rodeo will include a safety inspection and a series of skills stations directly related to everyday bicycling situations. Participants will practice starting and stopping, the safe way to exit a driveway, how to look for traffic, negotiate an intersection, and avoid common road hazards. Additional fun activities will be provided. Youth between the ages of 6-17 years old are invited to participate. Bring your own bike and helmet.

For additional information contact Lance Lewallan, Scoutmaster, scoutmaster@troop530.org or go to sites.google.com/site/tualatinorbsatroop530.

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