A Shout-Out for Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue

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    We all have seen the ad. A woman sprawled on a floor moans, “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” Never again will I chuckle at that cornball ad. Not since 4 AM the morning after Christmas when I got up to use the bathroom.

    With a bizarre twist, I tripped, slipped and hit the floor. Caught in a narrow space between my bed and a wall, somehow I had jammed my head and shoulders under my beside table. I bellowed. One of my sons appeared. He is a strapping six footer, and the tight space gave him no room to help me. I have a bad back, so grabbing my legs to pull me free was not an option. Inch by inch, I wormed my way out from under the table and turned around. On my stomach, I dragged myself to the foot of the bed. But still there was not enough room for my son to maneuver. We needed help. He called 911.

    Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue arrived within minutes. Suddenly the room filled with calm, patient people. (Having grown up when Women’s Rights were just a gleam in Gloria Steinem’s eye, I was pleased to see a woman among them.)

    They checked me for damage. Next they considered my absurd position. Carefully stepping over me, keeping my bad back in mind, they improvised a sling and managed to get it under me. Lifting me off the floor, they got me onto my bed, and from there to a gurney. All without giving me a twinge of pain. Then I was whisked to Meridian Park Emergency.

    Ultimately, I had only a few abrasions and bruises, I believe because of the skilled people who responded. It is good to know the professionals who serve our community show the same concern and respect for an old gal who falls on her fanny as they would for victims of more serious circumstances.

    Thanks, Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue. We are lucky to have you.

    Wendy Jane Henson
    has been a Tualatin resident for 25 years and contributes the Now Playing! monthly movie reviews for Tualatin Life.

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