Tualatin Celebrates 23rd Annual ArtSplash Art Show & Sale

Tualatin Art Splash Art Show and Sale
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By  Heidi Marx, Event specialist, City of Tualatin

ArtSplash Art Show and Sale is one of the most anticipated summer events in Tualatin. From July 13 through 15 ArtSplash will be set up next to the sparkling lake at the Tualatin Commons to create the perfect setting for this juried art show. ArtSplash features Northwest artists showcasing their works in jewelry, watercolor, oil, acrylic, wood, ceramic, glass, fiber, and more.

While art is the focus of the weekend, there will be a lot of additional happenings throughout the three days including live music, art activities, and food.

For more information about ArtSplash and to preview the artists participating in ArtSplash visit www.tualatinoregon.gov or hmarx@tualatin.gov.

Friday, July 13

4:00 – 9:00pm  ArtSplash Open

6:30pm Concerts on the Commons featuring Tom Grant

Saturday, July 14

11am – 8pm ArtSplash Open

1pm – 4pm Willowbrook Arts Camp free kids’ art tent

1pm-3pm Music on the Plaza featuring Tualatin band Elise and Special Guest

3:30pm-5:30pm Music on the Plaza featuring Tyler Stenson

6:00pm – 8:00pm Concert featuring We Three

Dusk Movies on the Commons, Coco (PG)

Sunday, July 15

11:00am – 4:00pm ArtSplash Open

11:00am – 2:00pm Chalk it Up. Use liquid and stick chalk to decorate the plaza

1:00pm – 3:00pm Concert by New Horizons Big Band of Tualatin


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