BSA Troops to offer tree recycling this holiday season

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BSA Troops 35 and 530 of Tualatin will be collecting holiday trees for recycling on Saturday, December 31, 2022, and Saturday, January 7, 2022. 

Envelopes will be distributed in December to the neighborhoods where we pick them up. Suggested donations are $15 (small) and $20 (6’ or larger) per tree. 

Make checks payable to BSA (no cash), or you can pay through Venmo (@Troop-Five-Thirty). To prevent theft, a scout will come knock on the door if no envelope is left on the tree. 

Please have your tree curbside before 9 a.m. on either date. Pickup will be between 9 a.m. and noon or trees can be dropped off at the Tualatin Elks Lodge between the same hours. No flocked trees. 

Thank you for supporting your Tualatin Scout Troops this holiday season! 

For questions or more information please call or text (503) 662-2239 or visit

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