How to Read Your Utility Bill

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Ever wondered how exactly to read your utility bill from the City? Often called a water bill, your City utility bill actually contains a bunch of different fees to make up the total that you pay each month. Check out the example bill to the right, and let’s dive into how single-family residential customers can read and understand their bill. If you are a business or live in an apartment/condo, your bills will look different. 

1. Account Information

This section shows your account number, service address, billing period, the date of the bill, and the bill due date. You can pay your bill in a variety of ways (online, easy pay, by phone, in person, by mail, or by dropbox). 

2. Special Message

This section shows a different special message or reminder from the City each month. Make sure to check these out for information about annual water quality reports, backflow notices, and other important messages.

3. Meter Reading – Consumption and Current Charges

This section shows your charges. The Tualatin City Council established the fees, rates and charges collected for water, stormwater, sewer, road, and parks utilities in the City. These rates are set at the beginning of each fiscal year (starting July 1) and can be found on the City website. 

Your previous and current water consumption, along with your meter number and the date rate the meter was read. Your “consumption” may seem like a small number, but this is because water meters measure water usage in hundred cubic feet (CCF). There are 748 gallons of water per 100 cubic feet or 1 unit. For example, if your consumption was 6, that means your household used approximately 4,488 gallons of water during the billing period.

The current charges that make up your utility bill are listed in this portion of the bill – remember, this bill is not just for your water, but other City utilities. These include:

  • Facility Charge – This charge helps to pay for upkeep and maintenance of Tualatin’s water system.
  • Service Charge – This charge pays for account services such as meters and meter reading, billing, collection, and customer service.
  • Water Usage – This is the amount of water your household used during the billing cycle. The water usage charge is calculated by multiplying the set fee (a dollar amount set by City Council each year) by your water consumption, which is measured in units (100 cubic feet, or 748 gallons, equals one unit).  
  • Sewer Base Fee – This is a flat fee per dwelling unit per month. It helps to pay for upkeep and maintenance of Tualatin’s sewer system.
  • Sewer Use Fee – This fee is set by Clean Water Services (CWS), which, in partnership with the City, helps operate our sewer system. The sewer usage fee is calculated by multiplying the set fee (a dollar amount set by City Council each year) by your winter average water unit consumption (for new residents this multiplier is 8 until a winter average is established). It is multiplied by water consumption because most of the water leaving your home leaves through the sewer system.
  • Stormwater Fee – This fee helps to pay for upkeep and maintenance of Tualatin’s stormwater system.
  • Road Maintenance Fee – This fee helps to pay for upkeep and maintenance of Tualatin’s streets, sidewalks, streetlights, street trees, and right of way landscaping.
  • Parks Utility Fee – This fee helps to pay for upkeep and maintenance of Tualatin’s parks. 

4. Monthly Water Consumption

The graph on your bill shows your water use over the last year (prior cons) as compared to current use (current cons). Cons is just short for consumption!

There you have it. Your utility bill lets you know how your total amount is divided between the services the City provides. Even though your average bill will vary during the year, it is important to know what your bill and water consumption usually looks like. That way, you can give us a call if anything looks unusual (ex: we can initiate a leak check if your water usage is much higher than usual or as compared to past years). 

This year, the City has also partnered with Community Action of Washington County to support utility bill assistance for those residential customers facing financial hardships. More information can be found on our website:

As always, let us know if you have questions! You can contact the City’s billing department at or by calling 503-691-3056.

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