Mayor’s Corner: January 2023

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2023: Year of Transportation Construction

Back in May of 2018 Tualatin voters approved a $20 million bond measure to support the Tualatin Moving Forward program.  Since September 2018, twenty-four projects have been completed with the last twelve now underway.  The goal was to complete all the major projects by the end of 2023 and that goal is within reach.  Here is a brief update on some of the remaining major projects:

Boones Ferry Corridor Sidewalk and Bike Lane Project

  • Add missing sidewalk segments and repair existing sidewalks and paths
  • Reconstruct curb ramps to meet accessibility standards
  • Install new pedestrian-activated flashing beacons and crosswalks
  • Create buffered bike lanes    

Tualatin Sherwood Rd/Nyberg St/I-5

  • Add a third eastbound lane by reducing the width of the median
  • Restripe existing lanes to improve traffic flow
  • Redesign the intersection of Nyberg St at Fred Meyer to provide more green light time at Tualatin Sherwood Rd
  • Install new signage to help drivers find the best lane

Hwy 99 at Pony Ridge

  • New asphalt walkway to close gaps on the north side of Hwy 99W
  • Provide safe connection to transit stops and signalized intersection at 124th Ave
  • Public engagement, planning, design, and ODOT coordination underway since 2019

65th Ave Near Meridian Park Hospital

  • Adds a new mid-block crosswalk connecting the west side with the hospital on the east
  • Provides a safe place to cross for hospital workers, patients, and neighbors
  • Crosswalk location coordinated with TriMet bus stops

There are also six neighborhood safety projects that will be completed this year that include fixing sidewalk gaps, installing pedestrian-activated flashing beacons at crosswalks, and improving walking and biking access on the Sagert Street/I-5 walkway.

As you can see there will be a great deal of Tualatin Moving Forward construction in 2023 so hence the name given by Mike McCarthy, the city’s Bond Program Manager, “2023 – the year of construction”.

To find out more about the program, please visit

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