Tualatin Kiwanis Host Holiday Food Drive

Tualatin Kiwanis members Ron Hood delivering barrels of food to the Tualatin Food Pantry.
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The Tualatin Kiwanis Club has been putting on a Holiday Food Drive since the 1980s to assist families with food insecurity. This Food Drive is a partnership with the Tualatin Food Pantry and local businesses.

Retail stores and businesses in the community have agreed to place a barrel in their facility to gather non-perishable food items. Food gathered from the barrels by the Tualatin Kiwanis is then delivered to the Food Pantry, where it can be distributed to over 850 families monthly.

The Kiwanis Holiday Food Drive has generally averaged over 2,000 pounds of food to the Food Pantry to benefit families in need throughout the community. When you see a food barrel at a local participating business, please help by contributing non-perishable food items.

If your business would like to have us place a food barrel there, please email Wallie Downs at mg-pins@usa.com.

The Tualatin Kiwanis Club is a community service club dedicated to making our community a little better. The main emphasis of the organization is helping children, and in that effort, the Kiwanis Club sponsors community service clubs at three of the local high schools (Tualatin, West Linn, and Lakeridge). In addition, the club supports food pantries and a summer camp for children and adults with disabilities. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about the group, visit our website at tualatinkiwanis.com, Facebook at tinyurl.com/h3r8m8tt, or by emailing Wallie Downs at mg-pins@usa.com.

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The Tualatin Kiwanis Club
is a community service club dedicated to making our community a little better. The main emphasis of the organization is helping children, and in that effort the Kiwanis Club sponsors community service clubs at three of the local high schools (Tualatin, West Linn, and Lakeridge). In addition, the club supports a summer camp for children and adults with disabilities. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about the group, email Wallie Downs at mg-pins@usa.com.