Member Directory

Theresa Patton - You might just see our three year old triplet sons and six year old daughter around Tualatin as my husband and I do our best to raise them to be human beings full of gratitude, grace and joy.

is President of Integrity Staffing in Tualatin and is the Past Publisher of Tualatin Life. He’s lived in Tualatin for 25 years. You can reach him at

Erin Fitzgerald is a freelance writer and stays active by trail running. You can reach her at

Daniel is a long-time Tualatin resident, born and raised in Fox Hills and now raising his own family near Jurgens Park. He’s concerned about how our city’s lack of attention to the housing crisis may impact his family’s long-term wellbeing. Feel free to reach out by email or phone (971) 998-5407.

Diane Bonica taught kindergarten for 17 years in Tigard/Tualatin School District. She has lived in Tualatin for 31 years. Her three grown children all graduated from Tualatin High School.

Beth Sethi, when not out cycling with her kids and her husband Steve, is a college professor and an active volunteer at her kids’ school. Beth has lived in Tualatin for 13 years.

enjoys equally, the garden and the people who garden. Write him:

Kim DeMarchi, M. Ed., Certified Parent Educator and Certified Family Coach, was a resident of Tualatin for 12 years, now residing in the United Kingdom. She has 20-year-old boy/girl twins at university and has been an educator for three decades. Kim is trained and certified through Jane Nelsen’s Positive Discipline program and supports families by providing workshops, coaching families, and being a monthly guest on KATU’s Afternoon Live doing parenting segments. Kim’s goal for you is to help reduce conflict, foster mutual respect, and create deeper communication and connections with your loved ones. She can reached through