Tag: Living Legends
Living Legends: Yvonne Addington
Member of a 1900s Tualatin immigrant family. Wife of Jim Addington, mother of Maxine and Randy and grandmother of Leah, Audrey and Preston. The...
Living Legends: the Bergstrom Family
The City recently announced that “Tualatin’s 2,400 volunteers truly help our city grow and thrive.” What isn’t well known is how long volunteers have...
John (Jack) W. Broome (1923-2020)
Former Tualatin Historical Society (THS) president Jack Broome, 97, died June 17 after colon cancer surgery a few days before. Jack left his mark...
Living Legends: John (Jack) W. Broome
I so enjoy telling stories of my great hometown of Tualatin, Oregon and the citizens who helped build it. They have made a...
Living Legends: Linda Moholt
Who would have guessed in the 1970s when the City of Tualatin first started planning for growth of 20,000 people in the year 2000...
Living Legends: Jack Broome & Althea Pratt
Behind the big hedge next to the WES station you can barely see Tualatin’s only building on the National Register of Historic Places, the...