“Triple Joy” at Tualatin Library Exhibit

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“Some people feel art is not logical. That it is more like…candy. But this is not true!” Hong Bai can break down the math down for you, marveling, “Three simple distinct colors (red, yellow, blue) can become six, then eighteen.”
Hong Bai’s paintings, which hang at the living Room Gallery in the Tualatin Public Library from early June through July of 2013 for her solo show, demonstrate her grasp on color theory and more. Striking are the feelings and moods she evokes with her palette. Of course, there is a story.
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Hong Bai was born in Beijing and grew up in a culture with harsh bottom-line expectations. As a hardworking student, she was encouraged in both mathematics and art – to a point. Ultimately, she faced a hard choice for her education and future. Art was her passion but a grasp of the numbers placed her in a top level math program with a track to higher education at a time when only 3% of people in China could go to college. She was “redirected away from art.”
Library Art

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