Tualatin CIO President’s Report: May 2022

Jurgen's Park opened in Tualatin in 2000.
Jurgen's Park opened in Tualatin in 2000. Michael Antonelli/Tualatin Life
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Riverpark Community Fair at Jurgens Park 

Join the fun at the Riverpark Community Fair on May 14 at Jurgens Park from 1:00 to 3:00. There will be something for everyone. The whole family is welcome.

There will be activities for the kids, information about emergency preparedness in our neighborhoods, city staff on hand to answer questions, displays from local groups, and activities for anyone who is interested. Start your garden with plants and seeds from Neighbors Nourishing Communities or grab that book you’ve been longing to read from the library table’s free selection. Let your inner artist spring free to browse at the table of our local artists who will be displaying their art and answering your questions about available art classes.

Learn about what you should do to be ready for any emergency from your local CERT and Neighborhood Ready teams. Ask the questions you’ve been saving up about city services and what they mean for you and your family.

While you browse the information available your children can enjoy painting rocks or have their faces whimsically painted by local teens. There
will be snacks for all and some gift giveaways to contribute to the fun. But most of all take a little time to meet your neighbors, share the afternoon with them and celebrate our wonderful community.

This event is sponsored by the Riverpark Community Involvement Organization in partnership with the City of Tualatin and supported by the following local organizations:

For more information, go to our website www.tualatincio.org/riverpark-cio or email us at riverparkcio@gmail.com.

Tualatin CIO

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