Tualatin Trivia!

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Tualatin Life has joined forces with the Tualatin Historical to bring you “Tualatin Trivia.” Each month, look Tualatin Trivia in your copy of Tualatin Life. Email your answers to askabouthistory@gmail.com by the end of the month. We’ll draw one winner from all correct answers received by this deadline, and the winner will receive a FREE 1-Year membership to the Tualatin Historical Society, as well as recognition in the following month’s paper.

Tualatin Historical Society was founded in 1986, the Society’s mission is to preserve, promote and interpret the rich and colorful history of Tualatin. To learn more about Tualatin Historical Society, visit tualatinhistoricalsociety.org. Good luck!

Last month’s questions was, “The Tualatin Historicial Society was founded in 1986 by Loyce Martinazzi (right in the photo) and who else?”

Kathleen Silloway was last month’s Tualatin Trivia winner randomly selected from many correct answers: Karen Lafky Nygaard was the co-founder of the Tualatin Historical Society, along with Loyce Martinazzi.

Kathleen wins a complementary annual membership in the Tualatin Historical Society.

Kathleen Silloway moved to Tualatin last August from Beaverton and is enjoying getting to know the town. She’s active in community theater, and will be appearing in the Mask & Mirror production of Doubt, a Parable at the Heritage Center the last two weekends of this month. She works in substance abuse prevention, and was recently appointed to the Tualatin Arts Advisory Council.

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