Everyday Heroes: Julian’s Fight

Everyday Heroes, gofundme
Julian Bridges.
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When someone among us has a struggle, their fight is our fight.

The Bridges family has been a large part of the Tualatin community and beyond both in their real estate business and in their volunteer work. We have featured Jennifer Bridges here at Tualatin Life for her philanthropic efforts in Ethiopia through the organization she founded, Embrace Compassion (embracecompassion.org). The wells they’ve built over the years for villages in Oromia have literally saved lives. Now, Jennifer is in the fight of her life as she takes on her latest role as caregiver for her almost-two-year-old son, Julian.

Julian was diagnosed Oct. 18 with stage four high risk metastasized neuroblastoma cancer. The largest tumor is in his abdomen and has spread into his lungs, liver, spine, legs, feet, shoulders, bone marrow and soft tissue all over his little body. He has begun chemo at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital and is receiving excellent care.

Children with neuroblastoma are typically diagnosed before age five. In most cases, neuroblastoma starts in the adrenal glands or the nerve fibers in the abdomen, like in Julian’s case. Symptoms include swelling in the abdomen, pain, loss of appetite and weight loss – to name a few.

Julian is adored by his loving family; dad Shane, older siblings Katelyn and Harrison, and of course his loving mother who never leaves his side. You would never know by his precious smile just how much pain this sweet toddler is in. The family remains in good spirits during this battle.

If you would like to join the fight, visit their gofundme page: gofundme.com/f/julian039s-fight-against-neuroblastoma-cancer.

They’ve reached over $25,000 and are so close to their $28,000 goal which is going towards their medical expenses. They also post regular updates and photos there so that you can keep up with the latest news on Julian.

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