Expecting a great turnout of bluebirds and call for volunteers

Female arrives, aiming for box opening. Photo by Rick Sorensen.
Female arrives, aiming for box opening. Photo by Rick Sorensen.
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The Prescott Bluebird Recovery Project is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit volunteer organization dedicated to the recovery, restoration, and enhancement of the Western Bluebird. Since the 1970’s the Prescott Bluebird Recovery Project (PBRP) has been working to help restore the Western Bluebird in portions of Clackamas, Marion, Multnomah, Washington, and Yamhill counties. The major reasons for the decline of the Western Bluebird are: loss of habitat; competition from non-native house sparrows and starlings; and reduction of insects due to the use of pesticides.

Hatch day!   Photo by Betty Ballentine.
Hatch day! Photo by Betty Ballentine.

During the 2018 nesting season, more young Western Bluebirds were hatched & fledged from nestboxes placed in appropriate bluebird habitat by PBRP than any time in the past 5 years. We anticipate there could be a similar explosion of nesting success in 2019. As always, we have had some retirements from our volunteer corps and are seeking new volunteers.

A workshop will take place in early March for returning volunteers and those interested in becoming new monitors. The bluebird nesting season, and volunteer commitment, runs from early April until late August. Will you help us monitor and record bluebird nesting activity and maintain a group of nestboxes? You will have a Team Leader who will assist you with orientation, field training, questions you may have, and assembling the end of year reports for your route.

Adult female bluebird with spot-breasted fledgling. Photo by Scott Morrison.
Adult female bluebird with spot-breasted fledgling. Photo by Scott Morrison.

Join us at our workshop where you will learn about the project and about the bluebirds.

For More information, please see prescottbluebird.com.

Make a Difference for Bluebirds
Join the volunteers of Prescott Bluebird Recovery Project
Monitor a bluebird trail! Announcing the Spring Workshop for new Volunteer Monitors: SATURDAY, MARCH 2
9:30 am until noon
Champoeg State Heritage Area Visitors’ Center Auditorium
To register, visit our web site or E mail directly to us at info@prescottbluebird.com.
Please include your name, physical address, and telephone contact number. We will be in touch to confirm your registration.

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