Riverpark Community Fair At Jurgens Park
Join the fun at the Riverpark Community Fair on May 20th at Jurgens Park from 1:00 to 3:00. This is an opportunity to meet your neighbors and there will be something for everyone. The whole family is welcome.
(Únete a la diversión en la Feria Comunitaria de Riverpark el 20 de Mayo en Jurgens Park de 1:00 a 3:00. Esta es una oportunidad para que conozcas a tus vecinos y habrá un poco de todo para todos, La familia entera está invitada.)
There will be table displays from local non-profit groups and kids may enjoy face and rock painting. Snacks and water will be provided. Last year we saw many dogs and will also make sure we have water and treats for them.
Enhance your garden with free plants and seeds. The library will have a selection of books for young and old, while local artists display their work. Learn about the history of Tualatin and our river.
Your local CERT and Neighborhood Ready teams will provide information about emergency preparedness. Ask the questions you’ve been saving up about city services and what they mean for you and your family.
This event is sponsored by the Riverpark Community Involvement Organization in partnership with the City of Tualatin and supported by the following local organizations:
- Wild Over Watercolors (WOW): wowiswatercolor.weebly.com
- Neighbors Nourishing Communities: neighborsnc.org
- Friends of the Library: friendsoftualatinlibrary.org
- CERT Command Center and HAM radio: www.tualatincert.org
- Tualatin Neighborhood Ready: www.tualatincert.org/tualatin-ready
- City of Tualatin: www.tualatinoregon.gov
- Riverpark Community Involvement Organization: www.tualatincio.org/riverpark-cio
- Tualatin Historical Society: www.tualatinhistory.org
- Tualatin Riverkeepers: www.tualatinriverkeepers.org
- Winona Grange: www.winonagrange271.org
Riverpark CIO President, Janine Wilson: RiverparkCIO@gmail.com
East CIO President, Doug Ulmer: CIO.east.west@gmail.com
Midwest CIO President, Richard Harrison: TualatinMidwestCIO@gmail.com
Martinazzi Woods CIO President, Sallie Olson: MartinazziWoodsCIO@gmail.com
Ibach CIO President, Patricia Parsons: TualatiniBachCIO@gmail.com
Byrom CIO President, Tim Neary: ByromCIO@gmail.com
Commercial CIO President, Catherine Holland: TualatinCommercialCIO@gmail.com