Tualatin CIO – President’s Report: October 2022

Jurgen's Park opened in Tualatin in 2000.
Jurgen's Park opened in Tualatin in 2000. Michael Antonelli/Tualatin Life
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On September 24th, East CIO held a joint member meeting with Riverpark CIO at City Services Building on Herman Road.  All CIO leaders have been working to build back the CIO program after Covid shutdowns.  This was the second East and third Riverpark event in 2022.

Critical to that build-back effort is providing current information to residents regarding what is going on around Tualatin.  Approximately 40 residents attended the joint meeting.

The agenda included: 

  • Public safety report by Sergeant Nate Cooper, Tualatin Police Department, 
  • Parks Department trail updates, Parks November Bond information, E-Scooter details by T-Park Chair Emma Gray and Parks & Recreation Director Ross Hoover
  • Sagert Street Bridge/I-5 Walkway and other traffic updates by Interim City Engineer Mike McCarthy.
  • Update with ODOT’s Tolling by Tualatin Chamber of Commerce President Susan Noack
  • Urban Renewal Bond update by Economic Manager Jonathan Taylor.
  • Riverpark elections.

East CIO leaders have followed up with an opinion survey of residents regarding their viewpoints on these projects.  They shared the results with other CIO leaders, City Council, and staff.

Residents with viewpoints on these subjects are encouraged to email East CIO President Doug Ulmer at doug_ulmer@comcast.net, Janine Wilson at Riverparkcio@gmail.com, or your CIO leadership team.  Survey results and meeting details can be viewed at TualatinCIO.org/east-cio.

Tualatin CIO

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