tualatin travels

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This past summer the Wheatcroft family traveled to England to visit family and tour the sites. Being that Paul is British, the family tries to travel back every few years to share his homeland with their kids (Liam – 15 and Emma – 12) and reconnect with family. The first week of their travels was spent with family in the historic town of Hastings and the charming fishing village of Weymouth. The second week was spent in London where they visited many landmarks such as the Tower of London, the London Eye, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Tate Modern, the Natural History Museum, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament and Tower Bridge (pictured). They also visited many shops, markets and pubs, crisss-crossed London on the Tube, took in a West End show and ventured out of the city to see Stonehenge and Salisbury Cathedral. The Wheatcroft’s really enjoyed their travels and are looking forward to planning their next international adventure.

Tualatin Travels











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