Tualatin Chamber launches Titanium for Trades & Manufacturing Businesses

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New Sales Tax from Measure 118 is on the ballot, and the BAC Key Leaders Breakfast gives businesses a chance to give their ideas for Transportation funding

6.8 billion dollar tax on business 

Initiative Petition-17 has now become Measure 118 and will be on the ballot for the election on November 5. I learned from the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce that Measure 118 is basically a gross receipts tax on businesses with more than $25 million in annual sales. This means it is a tax on sales, not profits. 

It is a 6.8 billion dollar tax on business, whether they make a profit or not. This damages our businesses and will cause a rise in prices and a loss of jobs, and many will have to close or move out of the state. This is because it adds a costly new 3% tax on sales in every step of the production and selling process in Oregon, making it far more costly than a typical sales tax, and there is no guarantee any of the revenue would actually reach taxpayers. It is bad for business and bad for citizens. 

Please study Measure 118 and vote NO. The Tualatin Chamber of Commerce, and the Business Advocacy Council, led by Susan Noack, will be doing everything in our power to educate our members and fight against what would be the largest tax increase in Oregon history. You can join a Coalition to oppose Measure 118 at noonmeasure118.com.


Transportation is still an issue in Oregon. The Legislature is tasked with helping to find alternative ways to fund the 2025 Transportation plan they will create this fall. Oregon Elected Officials have been on a road show around the state asking for citizens’ input, and the Westside Economic Alliance (WEA), led by CEO Elizabeth Mazzara-Myers, has formed a workgroup to gather ideas to help Oregon find a way to fund the transportation needs in the state. I am on that WEA workgroup, and together with the City of Tualatin and all the south area Chambers, we will hold a Transportation Roundtable to give our local businesses an opportunity to speak about their concerns and ideas and ask questions. We will add our comments to the WEA workgroups paper to the Legislature. Representative Susan McLain and Kris Strickler, Director of ODOT, will give a presentation on the current needs for transportation in Oregon and then there will be an hour for your voice to be heard. It will be held at the Tualatin Country Club on Friday, September 6, from 7:00 to 9:30 a.m. You can register to attend at: tinyurl.com/yy8aee4a.

Titanium Membership Level

A new level of membership and benefits to serve our Trades & Manufacturing businesses has been launched at the Tualatin Chamber of Commerce. It is called “Titanium” and has benefits that are most relevant to that industry. The Chamber will hold a Trades & Manufacturing Forum on September 12 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Perlo Construction, 11450 Amu Street in Tualatin. Manufacturing Professional Charlie Hopewell will be doing a presentation on “Oregon Essential Employment Skills.” Register today by calling 503-692-0780.

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