John (Jack) W. Broome (1923-2020)

Jack W. Broome (right).
Jack W. Broome (right).
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Former Tualatin Historical Society (THS) president Jack Broome, 97, died June 17 after colon cancer surgery a few days before. Jack left his mark on Tualatin in many ways. His architectural firm designed Meridian Park Hospital in the early 1970s. The City called on him to help create its first urban renewal master plan. When Jack married Althea Pratt and joined her at Sweek House, his architectural skills turned to historic preservation as he worked to restore the 1858 building where Althea still lives with caregivers. 

Althea and Jack together founded the Wetlands Conservancy out of concern for the wetlands adjacent to their property and around the city. The Conservancy is now working to restore and maintain wetlands all around Oregon. 

For THS, Jack’s finest legacy was guiding us through the design and approval process for restoration of the old Methodist Church as Tualatin Heritage Center. Until leaving Sweek House became more difficult, Jack enjoyed sharing memories and attending programs at the Center. He first suggested the Society’s scholarship program which has helped Tualatin High School seniors take their next steps in lifelong learning. No services are planned, but donations to the THS scholarship fund would be appropriate.

To learn more about Jack and his impact on Tualatin, visit

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