Mayor’s Corner – October 2020

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We are getting ready to launch a series of community conversations about our Police Department’s use of force policies this fall and winter. The purpose of these conversations is to bring community members together with our police department and City of Tualatin staff to review the policies, ask questions, and listen to each other’s experiences and suggestions.

These conversations will occur in three distinct sessions. Each session will have a different agenda, and we ask that you make time to participate in all three.

  1. Session One: was held on Oct. 14.  Police Chief Steele reviewed use of force policies and use of force training.  If you missed the session you can view the recording online.  Visit the city’s website to view it.
  2. Session Two: Nov. 18 from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m.
  3. Session Three: Dec. 9 from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Following these conversations, we will present our findings back to the community and the City Council. Tualatin is a great community, and, importantly, it is our community. I urge you to participate in this process – no matter your feelings – so that we can effectively review our policies and make any necessary changes. For more details please check out this website link:

Frank Bubenik

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