Hooked on Scouting Fishing Derby – FREE

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Tualatin Cub Scout Pack 35 and Tualatin Troop 530 invites all Youth and their friends to the “Hooked On Scouting Fishing Derby” FREE on Saturday, October 12, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at St. Louis Ponds in Gervais. Come enjoy the fun and adventure only found in Scouting America. Families, friends, and fellow Scouts will spend a day developing their fishing skills and learning from experienced Anglers and resources provided by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 

For additional information and to register, visit scoutingevent.com/492-fishingderby. Registration closes on October 4, 2024. Additional information is located at the website.

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