City Authorizes $1.2 Million in COVID-19 Assistance

With an end to the COVID-19 pandemic nowhere in sight, the Tualatin City Council is taking further action to ease the economic burden for...

CERT Now Offers Online Emergency Response Training!

Despite everything going on in the world, you can still train and prepare for an emergency! CERT volunteers and the City of Tualatin wants you...

Attorney Threatens Action Over City’s Pot Regulations

An attorney for a chain of dispensaries has asked the City Council to revisit Tualatin’s marijuana business regulations sooner than later, saying that if...

Aging in Place: Meals on Wheels 50th Anniversary

2020 marks Meals on Wheels People’s 50th anniversary year for continuous service to the metro area senior community. Our Tualatin MOWP program has been...

Family Auto Repair: For the Community

In 2017, Jonathon Peloquin and his family packed up and moved to the green and lush Pacific Northwest. They had visited close family friends...

Garden Tomatoes

I caught up with Elle wandering through the left-over vegetable plants in the nursery. I was a bit embarrassed because those same vegetables, not...

6 Tips for Handling Negative Comments on Social Media

It happens. Someone posts a negative review about your business on social media. Now, how do you deal with it?  Tip #1: Write out a...

New Stores ‘Pop-Up’ at Bridgeport Village

Outdoor, Open-Air Center    To every shopper, family, fashionista and foodie-lover… we are excited to welcome you back safely, thoughtfully and responsibly. “One of the...
Christopher (left) and John of the Bergstrom family.

Living Legends: the Bergstrom Family

The City recently announced that “Tualatin’s 2,400 volunteers truly help our city grow and thrive.” What isn’t well known is how long volunteers have...
Tualatin commons.

City Adopts $134 Million Budget for 2020-21

The City Council in late June approved a total budget of $134,022,565 for fiscal year 2020-21, which began on July 1. The new budget...