A day in the Life of Tualatin Youth Basketball

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Two years ago, I went to the 5th grade recreational Basketball player evaluation day with excitement for my son Adam. When we got there, the league President announced that there were almost 50 players and only two coaches. In order to move forward, they needed 3 or 4 more coaches. I briefly played in grade school about 40 yrs. ago and wanted to help the kids. However, I knew I couldn’t do it alone.
Brian Marx, like a typical parent, was hoping to drop his son off for the recreational player evaluations. He had volunteered to coach flag football and thought he was going to get a hall pass for basketball. As he walked into the gym, I shared with him the need for coaches. Like
everyone else, Brian had a full time job, a side business and a “honey do” list a mile long. After trying to convince me that he didn’t have time for this, he did some soul searching. I think he realized that maybe he could make a positive impact with the boys and community while spending more time with his son. Although his brain was saying no, Brian’s heart said yes. That day, Brian
and I became Tualatin Youth Recreation Basketball coaches.

Wow, were we a pair!

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