Fifteen community minded businessmen met on April 15 to form the Tualatin VFW Men’s Auxiliary. There are 30 members so far. Everyone who joins by May 15 will be a charter member. The group meets on the third Thursday of each month, at 6:30 pm at Cpl Matthew Lembke Hall, 18820 SW Boones Ferry Rd.
Members include the Mayor, a City Councilman, the father of the Marine that the VFW hall is named after, the Sherwood father of a Marine killed in action in Iraq in 2005, military service members not eligible for VFW Post because they did not serve overseas in a war, and men who want to honor a family member who did serve in a war. All have joined to promote patriotism and support troops, veterans and their families.
Officers elected include: President – Don Comstock; Vice Pres – Dale Lembke; Secretary – Daniel Payne; and Treasurer – Ben Tripp. Interestingly, five of the eight winners at the April 22 CelebrateTualatin put on by the Tualatin Chamber of Commerce are Men’s Aux members.
Men’s Auxiliary members have full membership privileges. Eligibility requires having a grandparent, parent, spouse, sibling, child or grandchild who served in US military in a foreign war. The cost is $30. Application forms are on VFW website, click on “join”.
Give a Donation for Buddy Poppy
VFW members will be distributing Buddy Poppies at five area grocery stores over Memorial Day weekend; on Friday, May 29 and Saturday, May 30. In Tualatin, you will see them at Haggens and Fred Meyers. They will also be at Wilsonville’s Lamb’s Thriftway, King City Safeway and Tigard Fred Meyers.
Medical Wellness Talks set for Second Wednesday each Month
The public is invited to join in medical wellness talks for veterans at 6:30 pm on the second Wednesday of each month at the VFW. These are conducted by naturopathic physician Dr. Anya Chang, ND, LMT. The first is on May 12.
Naturopathic philosophy is to find and treat the cause, not just the symptom, by using science and evidence-based medicine combined with traditional healthcare methods that have been used for centuries.
Topics to be covered include allergies; healthy aging; acupuncture for pain, stress, and anxiety; and heart health.
Come early and enjoy pub grub at reasonable prices at the VFW canteen.
Honor Deceased Military Family Members at Memorial Day Event
Retired Marine Lt. Colonel Norb Murray will be the featured speaker at Tualatin’s Memorial Day Service. This event is held annually at Tualatin’s Pioneer Cemetery at 11 am. This year, Memorial Day is on Monday, May 31.
A Vietnam helicopter pilot, Murray went to serve as President Reagan’s personal helo pilot. Other highlights include an F-15 jet flyover, Tualatin Police honor guard, flag ceremony, and ends with a bugler playing taps.
The event takes about a half hour on this holiday. It is a great way for families to honor their deceased military members and to promote patriotism for their children.
41st IBCT Returning from Iraq, Local Homecoming ON Sept 11
Most of the 2,700 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team members of the Oregon National Guard who deployed to Iraq have returned home. They flew into McCord Air Force Field in April and some are still out-processed through Fort Lewis. Many participated in demobilization ceremonies around the state and now have 90 days without military duties to adjust back to civilian life. They do not receive military pay again until they return to their Guard unit. An estimated 30% are hunting for jobs.
Locally, the Tigard American Legion and Tualatin VFW are planning a Home-Again parade and family-fair on Sept 11 for the IBCT Headquarters Company which drills at Tigard Armory. The parade route starts at Tigard City Hall, goes South on Hall Blvd, turns right at Durham Rd and then winds down to Cook Park. The parade route is over two miles long. Water bottle stations and rest areas will be positioned throughout the route.
Local groups are encouraged to participate in the parade and/or sponsor a booth at the family fair. Bands, Civic, neighborhood, school, church, and business groups are invited to participate in this patriotic event. Youth groups can walk, cycle or ride in wagons, trailers or vehicles. The parade theme is “Welcome Home”. Home-Again Committee Chair Tim Harless says entry forms will be available soon. Anyone interested in helping put this event together should contact him at (503) 224-1456 or