Tualatin Rotary Club Supports Unique Cafe

Daniel Lacy (left) accepts Tualatin Rotary Club Legacy Grant from Jessica Cousineau and Mike Bunce.
Daniel Lacy (left) accepts Tualatin Rotary Club Legacy Grant from Jessica Cousineau and Mike Bunce.
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By Diana Bonica, Tualatin Rotary

Tualatin Rotary


Bob's Auto CafeWhen you think of a cafe, pastry and coffee set out on umbrella decked tables is a common image. Tualatin has a new cafe unlike any other. It’s Bob’s Auto Cafe. This auto body shop is committed to finding and repairing cars for residents who need reliable and affordable transportation. The auto cafe also trains car technicians in hopes of providing someone a future career.

Interns in the program are paid and given instruction by a certified technician. They are provided assistance for the ASE exam and given job placement advice. All the work is real life and hands-on. The cars of today and the future will require specialized training and the Cafe is the place to learn.

Tualatin  Rotary Club invited Daniel Lacy to speak at a weekly meeting. Reliable transportation is a major issue for financial success. When you live in the suburbs, mass transportation is not always available or requires many transfers to get you to your place of employment. Not having a working vehicle can result in not having a job. Daniel and his Cafe team are out to solve this possible impediment to gainful employment. He accepts auto donations and repairs them for a families that need them. Bob’s Auto Cafe will also provide reduced rates for customers who have a car in need of repair. In many ways, Daniel Lacy is serving our community and providing a key service to our residents.

For this reason, Tualatin Rotary Club has selected Bob’s Auto Cafe as a recipient of their Legacy Grant. The club has donated funds to foster Daniel Lacy’s dream. Having a reliable vehicle will DRIVE many working families towards financial security. Parents will get to work, children will be able to attend community and school events and the entire family will be safer.

Tualatin Rotary Club is inspired by the spirit of good that we see right here in our city. Bob’s Auto Cafe exemplifies the Rotary motto, “Service Before Self.”

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