Corporal Matthew Lembke Legacy Lives On

The 2018 Regatta Run.
The 2018 Regatta Run.
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Matt Lembke’s legacy lives on at Tualatin High School. His football jersey, along with his story, is framed and hangs above the weight room. Each fall, the Regatta Run happens, and is promoted within the school, and students know that it’s the fundraiser for a scholarship fund in Matt’s name. Each spring, for the past 11 years, scholarships have been awarded with the proceeds from the run. With this year’s awards, the grand total raised and awarded is $219,500.00. Recipients are chosen on the criteria of honor, courage, commitment, and service to others.

Cpl. Matthew Lembke.
Cpl. Matthew Lembke.

The Corporal Matthew Lembke Scholarship is one of the most sought-after scholarships at school. “Kids want this scholarship because of what it stands for. They are very proud that they have been recognized for those qualities,”  Kathy Stallkamp said, who runs the College & Career Center at TuHS.

This year’s recipients are an extraordinary bunch of seniors who will represent the ideals of this scholarship well. They are a unique class, graduating in a time when we finished the year apart, but together. We wish them the very best for a strong future!

The Lembkes have been very gracious with their time and energy toward the Regatta Run and the Scholarship process. I am honored to work alongside them. This fall, because of COVID-19, there won’t be an organized Regatta Run. We would encourage individuals to get out and take a walk in honor and remembrance of the life and legacy of Cpl. Matthew Lembke. Because there won’t be a run, the only funds that will go into next spring’s scholarships will be those of donations. If you feel so inclined, you can make a tax-deductible contribution to the Lembke Memorial Scholarship Fund.

2020 Corporal Matthew Lembke Scholarship Recipients:

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