A Well Deserved Summer

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A Well Deserved Summer


As 2011 proved to have one of the longest, wettest springs on record, our summer seems well earned. Now that  it’s here, it is high time to enjoy it. Friday evenings feel like a special event in Tualatin. My wife and I have got in the habit of starting out meeting at Juan Colorado’s for a great Mexican meal. (Ideally our kids will join us, but more often than not, our son prefers skateboarding at Tualatin Skate Park and our daughter is seemingly involved in every sport under the sun.)

We then head to Farmer’s Market, taking a leisurely lap around the various stands, always stumbling in to friends and acquaintances. After about an hour, we finish up at the Concert at the Commons. Between the two events, we walk past the patio diners at Hayden’s, people enjoying some wine at Parallel 45 or some food at one of several eateries along the Lake at the Commons. It’s an idyllic setting and it reminds me each week what a perfect sized community we live in. It’s fantastic to run in to local people that I recognize from work, sports, the kid’s schools or what not. Everyone’s guard is down. The mood is casual and friendly and the vibe is so uniquely Tualatin. I can’t think of a better way to spend an evening. If you haven’t yet done this, I highly recommend this on any given Friday during our well deserved summer.

Last month’s Bear story was incredibly well received. People commented on how much they enjoyed the photos from Officer Eric Hermann and Wildlife Photographer Michael Wilhelm. To follow up, I’ve asked Officer Hermann to share some of his favorite photos he’s taken throughout his 19 year career as a Tualatin Police officer and you’ll find them on page 3.  And Michael Wilhelm has a “how to” article on photography on page 8 that I think you’ll find interesting and informative as well. 

Please enjoy our July issue of Tualatin Life.  I appreciate all the great submissions of your stories and will continue to run as many as I can. That is truly the objective of this paper, always has been.  Please patronize our advertisers and try to shop locally whenever you can. It truly helps our community.

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