Dale Potts: We are put here on this earth to help others, and we should use our skills for this purpose…

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For seven years Dale Potts has used the pages of Tualatin Life Newspaper to chronicle the lives, history and exploits of military veterans who at some time in their lives have Tualatin connections. But while our readers probably all know Dale as a writer and reporter, they may not know much about the man himself, and Dale is just as interesting as anyone about whom he has written. His story goes far beyond his years serving in the military, for Dale’s service did not begin when he enlisted, nor did it end with his honorable discharge.

Almost his entire life, beginning as an Eagle Scout and junior assistant scoutmaster at the age of 13, Dale has contributed his time and effort to helping others. Today, he does not just write about veterans, he seeks out those in need and does whatever he can to see to it they receive the assistance they require, and the benefits they have earned. Dale believes service to others is at the very heart of living a full and well-rounded life.

“It is what we should be doing,” he says. “We are put here on this earth to help others, and we should use our talents and skills for this purpose.”

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