Tualatin residents are invited to join the City in a yard debris disposal day. This event is free of charge for residents, however please bring proof of Tualatin residency and non-perishable items as a donation for the Tualatin School House Pantry.
Yard Debris Disposal Day Saturday, Nov. 2 from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at Grimm’s Fuel Co. (18850 SW Cipole Rd. Tualatin, Oregon 97062). Yard debris consists of leaves, weeds, grass clippings, branches and prunings no larger than 4 inches in diameter or 8 feet in length. This event is sponsored by Grimm’s Fuel Co. and the City of Tualatin.
Currently, the TSH Pantry’s most urgent needs include: canned fruits (no applesauce please), canned vegetables, canned meals (ex: spaghetti Os, ravioli, chili, etc), boxed macaroni and cheese, peanut butter, cereal, dried beans, bags of rice, bulk cooking/baking items (ex: flour, salt, sugar, spices), and hygiene items such as toilet paper, shampoo/conditioner, bar soap, toothpaste, feminine products, and powdered laundry soap (bulk is fine!). The Pantry is always in need of paper grocery bags as well. Please do not donate expired items.
For any questions, please visit www.tualatinoregon.gov/publicworks/bulky-waste-and-yard-debris-days or call us at 503-691-3093.